With the launch on Ertiga, Maruti invented the mini crossover MPV segment in India and never looked back. The 7 seat people mover created such an an impact that Maruti is struggling to plug the demand-supply gap despite running at full capacity.
In the months of September and October, Maruti pushed back Toyota to become the second largest UV seller in India. However, considering the first seven months’ sales figures, Toyota is still ahead MSIL but the ever increasing demand for the Ertiga means Maruti has a fair chance of beating Toyota to the second place.
Indian UV specialist Mahindra has cemented its numero uno position owing to the strong demand for its UVs especially for the newly launched Quanto mini SUV. However, Mahindra’s market share has decreased to 47.5% from previous year’s 56.5%.
Maruti’s market share stands at 15.4% against last year’s 2.1%. During the same period, Toyota’s share declined marginally (by 0.5%) and is at 17.5%.
Robust sales of Renault Duster has placed the French manufacturer at fourth place in UV segment.
Mr. Mayank Pareek, chief operating officer (sales & marketing), Maruti Suzuki told Financial Chronicle that the company is hoping to “take the UV story beyond Ertiga in coming times”, hinting at the mini SUV based on the XA Alpha concept showcased at this year’s Delhi Auto Expo.
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